• Friday, 25 September, 2020 - 16:00Saturday, 26 September, 2020 - 15:45


Showroom 1

Vrije toegang (publieke ruimte)

Tea Time #2

John M Armleder in conversation with Rectangle (Aline Melaet, Pierre-Pol Lecouturier and Xavier Pauwels)

Rectangle, an independent art space in Brussels, has been committed since 2012, to researching different ways of showing and experiencing art. One particular example by the collective was the production of a series of exhibitions that gained notoriety via the rental of a billboard in the Saint-Gilles district and by turning this advertising space into the site for the exhibition. In parallel with It Never Ends, Rectangle invited John M Armleder to create an exhibition in a public space. The artist called it "Isocèle". Conversation between Armleder and Aline Melaet, Pierre-Pol Lecouturier and Xavier Pauwels, curators of Rectangle, in which the focus will be on the subject of groups of artists and independence, art and advertising, collaboration and social space, etc.

Il n'y a pas d'événements prévu pour ce mois.