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Kinshasa (N)tóngá

Presskit 21.09.2022

Kinshasa (N)tóngá presents a unique vision of the Congolese capital, its development, and its urban...


Between Future and Dust

Kinshasa (N)tóngá


Kinshasa (N)tóngá presents a unique vision of the Congolese capital, its development, and its urban structure. (N)tóngá means “needle” or “construction site” in Lingala and therefore refers to the informal course that characterises Kinshasa's evolution to date. The impact of colonialism and the influence it has had on the architecture of the third largest city on the African continent are the focus of the exhibition.


Pan-African Arts and Archives

Projecting Congo


Congolese rumba and Lumumba as an international icon of resistance are some of the best-known examples of the Congolese addition to pan-African thought. However, the country’s contributions to feminism and quilombismo, an emancipatory philosophy that originated in Afro-Brazilian communities, are less recognized. This one-day conference explores how all these artistic and intellectual productions born in the wake of pan-African ideas have travelled to and from Central Africa; how it resonates with the present and shapes new futures. Together, these discussions propose a renewed outlook upon the relationship between Panafricanism, arts and archives from a Congo's perspective.