• Saturday, 20 March, 2021 - 11:00Sunday, 21 March, 2021 - 10:45
  • Sunday, 21 March, 2021 - 11:00Monday, 22 March, 2021 - 10:45


Showroom 1

A project developped at the Théâtre de Liège by Edith Bertholet and Sébastien Hanesse


A co-presentation from Spring 1030, Théâtre de Liège and Théâtre 140



Peggy Lee Cooper & Ernesto Coyote

© Julie Nowak

A drag queen, a drag king, a book, an attentive child and an adult by its side.


How can we reflect on the notion of gender through literature, music, poetry, words and colours when we are still young? They don't change their skin to enchant us, they just change their costume. How to approach these complex subjects when you still have a lot of glitter in your eyes? Well, it depends.


The reading Unique en son genre (one of a kind) is an opportunity for young children to open themselves up to the complexity of individuals. An invitation to dialogue that recalls the reality and beauty of diversity.



Il n'y a pas d'événements prévu pour ce mois.