• Sunday, 27 September, 2020 - 13:00Monday, 28 September, 2020 - 13:45


Showroom 1

Free entrance (public space)


Public will remain seated during the duration of the concert according to safety measures as per governmental decision.

Maniac Maison

Shoko Igarashi, Casimir Liberski & Lucien Fraipont

© Stefan Liberski

“Maniac Maison” マニアックメゾン.


"Maniac Maison" is the new musical playground of 3 musicians based in Brussels: Shoko Igarashi, Casimir Liberski and Lucien Fraipont. For their first album, expected in 2021, the trio went digging into the forgotten corners of their respective hard drives to bring out a selection of uninhibited and addictive electronic nuggets; that they have revisited together. Evoking both the Yellow Magic Orchestra galaxy and the local heritage of Telex as well as their respective side projects (Casimir Liberski Trio, Robbing Millions, Aksak Maboul, Shoko Igarashi ...) their highly melodic electronic music revolves around rich harmonies and exploratory rhythms. The diversity of their individual backgrounds documenting their daily life create a surprisingly brain-stimulating 2.0 electronic kaleidoscope.