• Thursday, 23 May, 2024 - 18:00

Book launch

Location: L’Enfant Sauvage

Rue de l’Enseignement 23 / Onderrichtsstraat 23, 1000 Brussels 

toutes celles qui brillent

13 women came together to forge bonds, to make objects and photographs, to put words on both personal and universal feelings. They also gave themselves a name: KALAM, which means 'words' in Arabic. Words they deploy to exchange thoughts about their presence in Brussels, words with which they storm the public space. Even without legal documents, they have the strength to stand up, to transcend themselves, to fight back. And it is so that they shine. With a glow that addresses oppression, but also that of joy that endures. Together, they compiled their thoughts and struggles into a glossy magazine titled toutes celles qui brillent.

Discover this magazine on Thursday 23 May 2024 from 6pm in the presence of the authors.

toutes celles qui brillent
KALAM collective
100 pages + insert
A publication of KANAL-Centre Pompidou
Retail price: 15 euros.

A project and publication by the KALAM collective in collaboration with the artist Ninon Mazeaud and with the support of KANAL-Centre Pompidou.




Moi j’ai dit : quand je marche seule
dans la rue, un jour je serais libre
Et j’ai choisi la lumière, parce que la lumière
me permet de marcher en liberté.
La lumière, c’est l’histoire de montrer

le chemin. Et de me sentir libre.


Ik zei: wanneer ik alleen over straat wandel,
op een dag zal ik vrij zijn.
En ik heb het licht gekozen, omdat het licht
me in vrijheid laat voortgaan.
Het licht, een verhaal dat de weg wijst. En me vrij laat voelen.

Il n'y a pas d'événements prévu pour ce mois.