• Sunday, 11 October, 2020 - 14:00Monday, 12 October, 2020 - 17:45


Showroom 3-4

Free entrance with exhibition ticket,

no reservation needed




Choir Piece Felix Kindermann© Katja Illner - Courtesy of Felix Kindermann

In staging the choir Ghent Singers as a moving sculpture, Felix Kindermann‘s Choir Piece questions our relationship with the term togetherness, mirroring today‘s Zeitgeist along with its societal distortions. Through rearrangement, fragmentation, and techniques of acoustic distortion, the work creates a feeling of alienation, destabilizing the interrelated appearance and effect of the choir as a familiar cultural asset, blurring the lines which are dissolved through the play with essential opposites like harmony and disharmony, the individual and the collective.


American composer Natalie Dietterich’s commissioned score „Composition for Se- parated Musicians” applies Kindermann‘s far reaching intervention on the coherent structure of the ensemble, such that its harmony remains in tact. Using Kindermann‘s text, her composition allows for a permanent spatial modulation of the singers, whilst staying connected via acoustic set pieces, despite their actual spatial modulation. As the sound of the voices fills the volume of the museum, the themes of separation and connection are translated into choreographic movements that play out over the entire exhibition space.



Concept and text by Felix Kindermann

Composition for Separated Musicians by Natalie Dietterich, commissioned by Felix Kindermann

Choreography by Felix Kindermann
Performed by Ghent Singers

Sopranos: Juliette Allen, Marion Bouwens, Blandine Coulon, Charlotte Schoeters
Alto’s: Estelle Lefort, Anna Nuytten, Sonia Sheridan Jacquelin, Paúl Sojo

Tenors: Henk Pringels, Timo Tembuyser, Leander Van Gijsegem, Ivan Yohan
Bassen: Andrés Soler Castano, Wouter Vande Ginste, Pieter Coene, Mark Trigg
, Noah Thys

Il n'y a pas d'événements prévu pour ce mois.