Studio Cité
Benjamin Vandewalle

For this Studio Cité event, Benjamin Vandewalle sets up a kind of art fairground, which allows visitors to view the city and its streets from a different angle. Studio Cité consists of a dozen interactive installations and performances, each playing a game that affects the way you perceive reality. You can sit on your own driven along in a moving carriage with mirrors, you can dance with other passers-by or you can just stand on the sidelines and watch people wearing strange periscopes on their heads making their way around. You can be a spectator and a performer at the same time.
Studio Cité transforms the city’s familiar places into totally new venues, where people can meet, talk, and exchange experiences and ideas. Vandewalle takes the view that the way you perceive public spaces can influences the way you act in them and subsequently shape them. By 'choreographing' your view, he makes you aware of the enormous potential hidden within different public spaces.
- 16-17/07: Rue de l’Intendant / Opzichterstraat (1080, btwn Rue Haeckstraat & Av. Dubrucqlaan)
- 24-25/07: Rue Picardstraat (1080, btwn Rue Vanderstichelenstraat & Blvd du Jubilé - Jubelfeestlaan)
- 8/08: Rue Vanderborghtstraat (1081, btwn Av. des Gloires Nationales - Landsroemlaan & Av. Broustinlaan)
Concept & direction: Benjamin Vandewalle
Performance: Alice Van Der Wielen, Shosha Van Kranendonk, Yentl De Werdt
Technical coordination: Hans Van Wambeke, Jonas Vanhullebusch
Technical support: Bjørn Gunnar Otten
Technician on tour: Pierre Daugy
Technical engineering: Joris Festjens
Sound: Yoann Durant, Laryssa Kim
Sound engineering: Gert Aertsen, Leander Schönweger
Costumes: Sofie Durnez
Graphic design: Fien Robbe
Thanks to Aernout Vandewalle, CB service, Ivan Lucadamo
An IN SITU Pilot project, recipient of a creation aid by the ACT project, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
Co-production Kaaitheater, Atelier 231, Festival di Terni, Freedom Festival, La Strada Graz, Lieux publics, Norfolk & Norwich Festival, Østfold kulturutvikling, Oerol Festival, Theater op de Markt, UZ Arts, SoAP, workspacebrussels
Executive production: Caravan Production
Financial support: the Flemish Authorities