• Wednesday, 22 September, 2021 - 14:00Thursday, 23 September, 2021 - 19:45
  • Thursday, 23 September, 2021 - 14:00Friday, 24 September, 2021 - 19:45
  • Friday, 24 September, 2021 - 14:00Saturday, 25 September, 2021 - 19:45


  • From 14:00 to 20:00
  • Free
  • Location: Place Igor Stravinsky, 75004 Paris - France


A KANAL-Centre Pompidou event.

In conjuction with Brussel Days 2021 - Paris.


Studio Cité - Brussels Days 21


© Thomas Seest

Over the past seven years, Belgian choreographer and dancer Benjamin Vandewalle has continuously studied the perception and apprehension of reality by creating a series of interactive installations. Set up in a travelling fairground village, these installations equipped with mirrors guide and divert the spectator's eye to choreograph a different view of the city. A scene, an architectural detail, a perspective, lights suddenly illuminate this small urban theatre in a fascinating game of visual manipulation.


Helmets with visors, a cart on wheels, benches on wheels, portable structures, periscope kiosks, etc. In the small Studio Cité village, the installations created by the artist-choreographer offer us surprising discoveries simply by offering us a different way of viewing things. Guided through a frame, deflected by mirrors, our eyes discover a visual field that focuses on a detail or a movement. Transforming a public urban space into a multitude of fragmented theatrical scenes, these interactive devices create a show from existing urban elements: streets, architecture, passers-by, trees, lights, etc.


The presence of the audience turns the installations into an artistic fairground, a merry-go-round for the eye, a space for social encounters and exchanges where strangers can share their experience. The choreographer invites us to take a fresh look at the everyday world around us. This expanded vision that immerses us in an astonishing fictional reality, raises the question of the multiplication of points of view and questions the possibility of the coexistence of multiple perspectives. Beware, then, of the landing!



Wednesday 22.09.21

  • 14:00 – 20:00: Studio Cité – Place Igor Stravinsky, in front of the Centre Pompidou.


Thursday 23.09.21

  • 14:00 – 20:00: Studio Cité – Place Igor Stravinsky, in front of the Centre Pompidou.


Friday 24.09.21

  • 14:00 – 20:00: Studio Cité – Place Igor Stravinsky, in front of the Centre Pompidou.