• Thursday, 8 October, 2020 - 20:00Friday, 9 October, 2020 - 19:45


Showroom 0

Free entrance (public space)


Public will remain seated during the duration of the concert according to safety measures as per governmental decision.


Joram Feitsma

Late Thursday at KANAL

© Daren Onyett

Heavily influenced in his early youth by the contemporary Italian composer Ludovico Einaudi, who described himself as both minimalist and easy-listening, Joram Feitsma began composing neoclassical pieces on the piano.


In 2018, what was only a hobby became a second job for this Utrecht resident in his thirties, who started to give regular concerts at the Muzieklokaal, a classical venue in his city, before signing to Bigamo, the more experimental subdivision of Innervisions, the Berlin-based electronic label. Titled Under, a first album was released in 2019. Feitsma then played in Paris, Berlin and at the Sacred Ground festival.


He proposes a kind of ‘furniture music’, as Erik Satie would say, melancholy ambient, piano pieces that claim to be minimalist and electro-acoustic but above all seek to move. In short, Chilly Gonzales and Nils Frahm have a lot to worry about: the next generation is here and it’s as talented as it is inventive!