• Thursday, 1 October, 2020 - 19:00Friday, 2 October, 2020 - 18:45


Showroom 1

In collaboration with CIVA


Free entrance (public space)


Registration: https://civa.brussels/nl/expo-events/chapter-1-carlo-menon-accattone

La bibliothèque à bords perdus #1

Carlo Menon (Accattone)

© Pauline Colleu

Each month, an expert is invited to intervene in La bibliothèque à bords perdus by selecting publications that reflect the library’s underlying subject of Inhabiting the World. Chapter 1 introduces Carlo Menon who researches architecture magazines at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London.


Each month, an expert is invited to intervene in La bibliothèque à bords perdus by selecting publications that reflect the library’s underlying subject of Inhabiting the World. This participative exercise ends with a presentation open to the public and offers an opportunity to discover different takes on the theme, through books.


Carlo Menon (Italy, 1981) is a qualified architect and a researcher in history and theory based in Brussels. His practice is situated across research, pedagogy, publication and design. He teaches architecture design studio at La Cambre Horta Faculty of architecture, ULB Brussels, and representation at the MA Civic Design, PBSA Düsseldorf. He is co-founder of the magazine Accattone.

Il n'y a pas d'événements prévu pour ce mois.