Join the parade!

This year, spring starts on the 25th of March. The monumental work by Laure Prouvost, which will grace the KANAL showroom for the next six months, will be given a grand opening.
On the programme: music, plants, songs, seeds and megaphones work together. A marching band with majorettes and choir members from Singing Molenbeek will march from St. Catherine's Square to Sainctelette. Everything and everyone will melt together, marching decisively toward a softer future, banners at the ready. Hopeful messages from Laure Prouvost's oeuvre will be cried out in all languages. Or perhaps, they’ll originate from the minds of local residents, after a series of writing workshops with artist and author Leïla El-Mahi around Prouvost's enchanting world.
Hey you! Come and join us! Come to the Parade!
On the 25th of March, we march
For humans and non-humans.
All the very breast.