Calixto Neto

Calixto Neto’s Oh! Rage works on making minority bodies visible, and on remodelling their imaginaries. Based on a research into “peripheral” dances, in other words those that have been developed on the margins of institutional frameworks, his first solo focuses on the representation of black bodies, grasped at the crossroads between several emancipation discourses. He brings in the movements of Afropunk and Afrofuturisme, post-colonial research, especially covering Brazil, black studies and contemporary art. This critical intention is embodied on stage through a technical strategy which is itself subversive: Calixto Neto remains for a good part of the show with his back to the audience, a position that makes him vulnerable, while expressing a form of resistance. His body, as a production space for multiple subjectivities, is thus reinvented between lamentation and revolt, protestation and celebration. Through the narratives of this distinctly plural body, Calixto Neto raises once again a question which has been freely inspired by his reading of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: can the subalterns finaly dance?
After studying theatre at the Federal University of Pernambuco, then dance with the Experimental Dance Group in Recife, the Brazilian choreographer Calixto Neto took a master’s cursus at Exerce at the CCN of Montpellier. Between 2013 and 2015, he created there the solo petites explosions as well as the duet Pipoca, in collaboration with Bruno Freire. A member of the Lia Rodrigues company from 2007 to 2013, he has also danced for Claudio Bernardo, Volmir Cordeiro, Gerard & Kelly and Mette Ingvartsen.
Choreography and performance: Calixto Neto
Lighting design: Eduardo Abdala
Sound creation: Charlotte Boisselier
External views: Carolina Campos, Isabela Fernandes Santana, Marcelo Sena