• Tuesday, 13Thursday, 15 July, 2021


  • From 14:00 to 16:00
  • Free


A KANAL-Centre Pompidou event.

In conjunction with Open Streets 21.

In collaboration with Brussels 2030, Kaaitheater, Ultima Vez, KVS, Cultureghem and Filter Café Filtré.

Atelier Léon

Seppe Baeyens, Al Qasy Saif Quasi, Stef Heeren

© Danny Willems, Courtesy of Ultima Vez.

Welcome to Atelier Leon – an accessible neighbourhood dance workshop that gets everybody involved! Join choreographer Seppe Baeyens and musicians Stef Heeren and Al Qasy Saif Quasy as they challenge you to express yourself through dance and movement, and break away from existing gender roles and expectations. Slowly but surely, new relationships and dynamics will develop. Dance experience not required. Just come along and enjoy yourself.


We kindly request all participants bring their own chair.


  • Rue de l’Intendant / Opzichterstraat (btwn Rue Haeckstraat – Av.J.Dubrucqlaan)


Concept Seppe Baeyens
Live music Stef Heeren, Al Qasy Saif Quasy
Production Leon vzw in collaboration with KANAL - Centre Pompidou
With support from the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie
In conjunction with Open Streets 21, a partnership of Brussels 2030, Filter Café Filtré, Ultima Vez, KANAL-Centre Pompidou, Kaaitheater, KVS, Cultureghem

Il n'y a pas d'événements prévu pour ce mois.