Radouan Mriziga

How can dance and architecture create a new kind of space together? During Performatik19, choreographer Radouan Mriziga will install a residency project at KANAL–Centre Pompidou.
Using Bauhaus as a pedagogical model, he seeks to establish a contemporary educational practice that reformulates the models of space. He is inviting dance and architecture students to share their knowledge and practice. Projecting the resulting questions onto the surrounding workspace will create a new way of thinking and feeling space.
Mriziga is thus building on his conviction that we can only think and act through a combination of body, mind, and intellect.
Come and see the working process during the day or keep an eye on the performance schedule!
Concept Radouan Mriziga | with Radouan Mriziga, Maïté Jeannolin and students of dance and architecture training | dramaturgy Esther Severi