I...Cognitive maps - Chapter 1 - Ely Daou

What do you remember about a room? Or about an apartment or space you lived in, but which no longer exists or where you never went back to. In I... Cognitive Maps - Chapter 1 artist Ely Daou, born in Beirut in 1986, travels through his memory – and history – attempting to sketch the different apartments and living spaces he occupied during and just after the Lebanese Civil War. The architectural details – as they are remembered or perhaps transformed by the artist’s memory – become the starting points for re-entering both the spaces and the past. I... Cognitive Maps - Chapter 1 is an account exploring two fundamental aspects of our physical and mental experiences: where we are and who we are.
By: Ely Daou - Thanks to: Joseph Daou
Presentation: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, CIVA, Charleroi danse et Kanal – Centre Pompidou
Residencies: Centrale Fies, Live works (Dro, Italy), Baden-Württemberg (Catalunya Grant), with the support of Goethe-Institut Barcelona, Hangar, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart and Kunststiftung Stuttgart