• Saturday, 17 October, 2020 - 14:0014:30
  • Saturday, 17 October, 2020 - 15:0015:30
  • Saturday, 17 October, 2020 - 16:0016:30
  • Saturday, 17 October, 2020 - 17:0017:30
  • Sunday, 18 October, 2020 - 14:0014:30
  • Sunday, 18 October, 2020 - 15:0015:30
  • Sunday, 18 October, 2020 - 17:0017:30
  • Sunday, 18 October, 2020 - 18:0018:30


Free admission (public space)

Reservations: reservation@kanal.brussels


Room Show #1: Silent Room

IN, Kris Verdonck

Performed by Heike Langsdorf & Gilles Polet


In IN (2003) a performer remains motionless in a display window filled with water. The distortion to the performers' senses caused by the environment causes a state of trance. The sounds of breathing and movement are amplified by microphones. 


« Kris Verdonck's imagery originates from an extreme theatrical simplicity and only gradually unveils its staggering power » - Elke Van Campenhout in De Standaard



« This play has been extremely minimized, to the point of being made up of equal parts absence and presence, as a result of which the spectator is expected to put in a corresponding amount of effort. Magical, bizarre, oppressing and seductive » - Marie Baudet in La Libre Belgique




Concept & direction:  Kris Verdonck
With: Heike Langsdorf & Gilles Polet
Production: Margarita Production for stilllab vzw (2003), ATwoDogs Company (2020)
Coproduction: Kunstenfestivaldesarts (BE), Beursschouwburg (BE), kcBelgië (BE)

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