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Brussels Art Augmented Tour - KANAL app

Brussels Art Augmented Tour

New mobile application

As an extension to the HAHAHA.The Humor of Art exhibition, KANAL-Centre Pompidou and its partners, ING and Orange Belgium, are offering a new and innovative way of discovering the City of Brussels, via a tour that joins art, technology and historical places. The new Brussels Art Augmented Tour app extracts artworks from the museum to materialize them in the public space.


The tour includes 10 locations, echoing the works presented in the exhibition HAHAHA.The Humor of Art displayed at the ING Art Center (15 September 2021 to 16 January 2022), with key sights in the centre of Brussels. Marcel Duchamp's Fontaine finds itself rubbing elbows with the Manneken Pis for instance; Présence Fanchounette's Vénus de Mille-Eaux meets her half-sister Minerva at the Sablon and Georges Brecht's Bouteille ouvre-bouteille homes in on the Fleur en papier doré that was so dear to Magritte and Scutenaire.


By combining geolocation and augmented reality technologies, the app allows participants to discover these works in the heart of the city by offering a unique experience.


Armed with your mobile phone, discover a whole new way to experience the HAHAHA. The Humor of Art exhibition. Have a nice stroll!

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