• Saturday, 12 May, 2018 - 14:00
  • Sunday, 13 May, 2018 - 14:00


Ariane Loze

Since 2008, Ariane Loze has been making micro-fictions in complete autonomy for her project MÔWN (Movies On My Own). As such she is the director, scriptwriter, editor, costume designer, sound and light engineer, and she performs all the characters she stages in her video-performances. Drawing on the films of Lubitsch, Bunuel, Tati and Fellini, she revisits and re-performs cinema’s codes, from film noir to science-fiction, in order to cast a critical gaze on contemporary social life and on the phenomena of collective psychology. Each little scene is conceived with the place where it is set in mind. This time, it is in the former Citroën garage that Ariane Loze will set up her nomad studio.

Duration : 3 hours.