All of the Above, 2011 – 2020
24/09/2020 — 27/12/2020
In this project with its spectacular staging by John M Armleder the works of art observe us rather than the other way round.

Visit #OrigamiForLife
13/06/2020 — 15/06/2020
The House of Origami is open to the public. On 13 and 14 June, KANAL-Centre Pompidou invites the public to discover the installation imagined by designer Charles Kaisin as part of the solidarity action ‘Origami for Life’. Charles Kaisin and KANAL-Centre Pompidou wish to thank the public for the surge of solidarity which made it possible to finance Covid-19 units and the search for treatments at the Erasmus Hospital.

John M Armleder & Guests
It Never Ends – Part 2
04/02/2021 — 25/04/2021
At KANAL – Centre Pompidou, John M Armleder is invited to take over the Showroom areas of the former Citroën garage for seven months: on the six rough floors, Armleder proposes, in dialogue with a series of new monumental installations that he specifically designed for the site, a constellation of exhibitions, live events and workshops, offering the opportunity to dive into his world and the one of those he loves.

IN SITU: art on display in windows
08/05/2020 — 28/08/2020
Between the 8th may and August 28th 2020, KANAL- Centre Pompidou, in collaboration with the new platform #windowmuseum, will present the exhibition IN SITU. This first exhibition to emerge in the context of the current crisis seeks to answer the question: ‘How can we continue to exhibit artworks today?’ IN SITU will be part of a series of exhibitions curated by #windowmuseum at three venues: KANAL-Centre-Pompidou in Brussels, the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles in Paris, and BPS 22 in Charleroi.

It never ends - John M Armleder & Guests
Coronavirus in Belgium: KANAL-Centre Pompidou is postponing the opening date of the exhibition ‘It Never Ends’. Following the decisions taken on Thursday 12 March by the National Security Council imposing, among other things, the cancellation of all cultural activities in Belgium, KANAL, in consultation with the regional authorities, the Centre Pompidou and the artist John M Armleder, is postponing the opening of the exhibition ‘It Never Ends’ scheduled for 2 April 2020.