Générale, Elmes, Sarah & Charles and Vormen win design competition KANAL Restaurant
Chantal, a collective consisting of Générale, Elmes, Sarah & Charles and Vormen, wins the competition for the interior design of the Showroom’s restaurant.
In November 2022, KANAL launched a design competition together with the bouwmeester maitre architecte (BMA) team for the future bar-brasserie (situated at Quai des péniches) and the restaurant on the 5th floor of the Showroom. 87 designers responded to the call. Five teams were asked to create a design for the bar-brasserie and five others for the restaurant.
For the interior of the restaurant, the jury chose a design by Générale, Elmes, Sarah & Charles and Vormen. Central to the proposal is the unified scene with three long, seemingly outsized tables. According to the jury, they form the perfect setting for a multitude of stories, rituals and compositions, both around the table and in the plate. The idea of living together is key to the design. The horizontality of the proposal aims to facilitate connections, both on a gastronomic and social level.
Jury members: Yves Goldstein (KANAL, chairman of the jury), Marie Pok (CID Grand-Hornu), Stephen Bates (Atelier KANAL), Glen Ramaekers (Humphrey), Géraldine de Brouwer (KANAL), Giorgio Leoni (KANAL), Kristiaan Borret (BMA)
Thank you to the other design teams for their inspiring proposals:
- AHA & Laura Muyldermans & Louise Limontas
- Doorzon interior architects & Theo De Meyer & Serban Ionescu
- B-ILD & Johan Viladrich
- ACME & Helen Decombes